Our selection is absolutely unique! Estonian Locations team is committed to finding the best and most suitable locations for your project. Our job is our passion and therefore we have worked for years to build a location portfolio containing not only frequently asked but also formerly unused and exclusive locations.
Find your locationHuge selection of locations in database
10 years of experience
150+ successful projects
40+ satisfied clients
Estonian locations provide a very authentic atmosphere for productions, representing various eras. When working together, we can use these locations to create and visualize life in any European metropole, revive Soviet atmosphere, portrait medieval times on the streets of the Old Town or go back 1000 years in time due to well-preserved primeval nature.
PortfolioThe marketing activities of Cuba Films OÜ has been funded by Enterprise Estonia’s project EU52747 02.10.2018 – 31.03.2020. The aim of the project is to increase and foster the international competitiveness, to implement export-oriented marketing activities, market Estonia and raise awareness of local possibilities and film industry. Enterprise Estonia supports to the project from Export Grant For Creative Industries with 49 736,64 EUR. The total budget of the project is 71 090,92 EUR.